Compliance Crosswalk
Cybersecurity and data privacy is a requirement for any good business. So how can a CISO, CTO or compliance manager stay on top of where the industry is heading? Infosec veteran and former lead auditor, Blaise Wabo discusses the intersection of security, privacy and compliance. Topics include: Guest interviews with industry experts, framework updates, the business implications of compliance (and non-compliance), and discussions about compliance challenges, tips and tricks.
Compliance Crosswalk
Which Compliance Assessment is Right for Your Organization? / Part 2
Knowing which compliance assessment will best benefit your organization is just the start. Understanding the intricacies of compliance as a whole is critical in ensuring your find the right partners and people to successfully achieve compliance and leverage them to strengthen your security posture effectively.
In this new episode, Blaise Wabo joins A-LIGN's practice leads for multiple compliance service lines as they continue their conversation on Which Compliance Assessment is Right for Your Organization. Together, they explore the specific dangers and risks of having a "check the box" mentality with their assessment, the importance of treating compliance as a "starting point," and other things to consider when seeking a compliance assessment.